Is Indian stock market open today?

Equity (capital market) Holidays
# | Holiday | Day | Date |
Note 1. Muhurat Trading will happen on Tuesday, October 21, 2025. The exact time will be shared later. 2. The Exchange may change these dates, and will give notice if that happens.
Frequently Asked —
which is the next holiday?
how many days left for next holiday?
Total holidays this year?
is nse open today?
Tomorrow share market open or closed?
Equity Derivatives Holidays
# | Holiday | Day | Date |
Frequently Asked —
which is the next holiday?
how many days left for next holiday?
Total holidays this year?
is nse open today?
Tomorrow share market open or closed?
Commodity Segment Holidays
# | Holiday | Day | Date |
Frequently Asked —
which is the next holiday?
how many days left for next holiday?
Total holidays this year?
is nse open today?
Tomorrow share market open or closed?
Currency Derivatives Holidays
# | Holiday | Day | Date |
Frequently Asked —
which is the next holiday?
how many days left for next holiday?
Total holidays this year?
is nse open today?
Tomorrow share market open or closed?
Mutual Funds Holidays
# | Holiday | Day | Date |
Frequently Asked —
which is the next holiday?
how many days left for next holiday?
Total holidays this year?
is nse open today?
Tomorrow share market open or closed?