Stock Glossary - S
The Shark
Investors should avoid sharks. They manipulate stock prices by trading among themselves, and when the prices reach a certain level, they dump the stocks on retail investors and disappear. Read more...
Some investors are happy with extremely low returns. They will invest in traditional life insurance policies with low yields or in bank deposits. Some people even leave their money idle in a savings account. Snails are unaware that their money is losing value due to inflation. Read more...
The Sheep
Sheep are known for their herd mentality, and an investor with a similar mindset is referred to as a sheep. Sheep investors don't have any specific strategies in mind. Read more...
The Stag
This type of investors or traders are not really interested about a bull or bear market. They simply look for opportunities. They are neither optimistic nor pessimistic. Read more...
Stock Market Crash Vs Bear Market
The distinction between the two is based on speed (how quickly the declines occur) and length (how long they last).
Stock market crashes are quick and short, whereas bear markets are slow and prolonged. Those two do not always occur in the same decline.
Stock Buyback
When a company purchases its own share on the secondary market, is called a Stock Buyback.
Strike price
In contracts for put and call options, the price at which the option can be executed. The exercise price is also referred to as the basis price.
Short covering
A seller buying stocks in order to fulfill his prior commitments.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the US Government agency that enforces insider trading rules in the USA.
Shares Auction
If a short seller does not square off his position, his shares are auctioned off.
Brokers participate in the auction market on behalf of their clients during post-market hours.
Any loss incurred as a result of such a transaction will be borne by the short seller, while any profit will be transferred to the IEPF (Investors Education and Protection Fund)